Maree Alaina Graham

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I'm Maree Alaina Graham

I am a Grandmother with a wonderful husband. In my life i have had a variety of careers and experiences. From Nursing the elderly to being a health therapist. Listening to the many stories from these people and how their attitude of to do the best you can inspired me to start writing again. My passion had always been writing, I put aside to raise a family as well as work. I retired from work and started anew life where I had time to write. I would dream one day my work would be published and enjoyed. My short stories for children can be enjoyed by adults as well. They are simple to understand as they are about the environment. However it is my poems that give me so much joy. Life is about finding joy and being able to express it.

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A Selection of Poems and Short Storie

From being a Nursing Assistant working in Nursing Homes to being a Health Therapist, A Reiki Master and a Counselor. I also worked in factories. I met a variety of people from many different countries. I listened to their stories and experiences. I was always in Awe of the stories from the many patients in the nursing homes I worked in, the life they had prior to being in the nursing home.

My passion has always been in writing which I had to put aside to raise a family as well as going to work. When I retired, I started writing again, mostly on bits of paper. I hoped my work would be published one day and people would enjoy the simplicity of my writings. Both my Poems and Short Stories are suitable for children and adults.

I am indeed fortunate, I have a wonderful husband, I am a Grandmother, and in June 2022 my beautiful granddaughter Ame and her husband Adam made me a great grandmother.


Poet and Author Maree Alaina Graham on Spotlight with Logan Crawford

Right now on The Spotlight Network… our exclusive interview with the talented and multifaceted writer, Maree Alaina Graham. Today, we will be delving into her captivating book, “A Selection of Poems And Short Stories.” Maree’s life is a rich tapestry of experiences, woven together from her time as a Nursing Assistant, Health Therapist, Reiki Master, Counselor, and factory worker

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